02844 614881
95A Saul Street, Downpatrick,BT30 6NJ

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Outreach Support Service
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The aim of our Outreach service is to support young people, in mainstream school, who are presenting with behaviours or difficulties which are preventing them from accessing the curriculum or social opportunities with their peers.
Our aim is to support mainstream staff including teachers and assistants to have a greater understanding of the underlying issues around behaviour that challenges, and to support their professional development in enabling young people presenting with behaviours that challenge to manage the school environment.
We work with our learners to support them in understanding their own difficulties and to begin to regulate their own needs without using behaviour that challenges. If appropriate our role is to support these young people to remain in mainstream education.

Students can access support through various paths. Mainstream schools can identify those struggling with social, emotional, behavioural, or well-being issues. This might include difficulties in transitioning from primary to secondary school, multiple suspensions, attention from school leadership teams, or accumulating behaviour points. Students may also face challenges due to specific events and may need additional support. Our goal is to provide this assistance and create a positive and hopeful environment for each student.
We are keen to support young people in y8 who are struggling to transition to secondary school.